
To qualify for the accommodations from the Accessibility Resources Office, a student must:

  • apply and be accepted for admission to Indiana State University through the regular admission process.
  • provide current and comprehensive documentation of a temporary or permanent disability that requires accommodation.
  • discuss specific needs and register for services by scheduling an appointment with the Student Support Services director or Counselor (812) 237-2700.
  • request services in a timely manner. (It may take two - four weeks to arrange needed services.)

Students are responsible for submitting to the ARO adequate documentation of their disability.  Students with physical disabilities, visual impairments, or hearing impairments must submit a letter from their physician that verifies the disability. Student with learning disabilities must submit a full psycho educational report completed within the last three years by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist to the ARO. All documentation should address:

  • diagnosis
  • prognosis
  • functional limitations
  • recommendation


Procedures and Documentation Guidelines

  1. To receive an accommodation under the ADA, students must file an application with the ARO: 812-237-2700.
  2. Requests for accommodations should be made far enough in advance to allow ARO staff adequate time to coordinate needed services. Generally it is best to request needed services before a semester begins or as soon as a disability becomes known.
  3. Students must provide documentation of their disability and how it limits their participation in courses, programs, services, activities, jobs, and facilities of the University. Documentation of the disability should be timely and from appropriate professionals licensed to diagnose the type of disability the student has. Medical documentation will be retained by only the ARO and kept confidential.
  4. The ARO makes the determination of whether the student is eligible for accommodations under the ADA. Then ARO staff and the student will discuss what assistance is needed and, if requested, ARO staff will provide information to relevant faculty members and/or the academic unit verifying the disability and indicating the nature of the accommodation required.  The student is responsible for requesting accommodations each semester by completing their "Accommodation Request Form".  This in turn generates the "Confidential Letter of Introduction to the Professor" (CLIP).  It is the student's responsibility to give each instructor a copy of the CLIP at the beginning of each semester.
  5. If there is a discrepancy between opinions of faculty and/or the academic unit and student regarding what adjustments are appropriate, then ARO will facilitate discussion between the student and faculty members and/or academic units.
  6. It is the responsibility of ARO to determine the reasonable accommodation in a particular case, taking into account the content of the course, the student’s disability, and the documentation from an appropriately credentialed professional.
  8. Students are expected to meet with their instructors during office hours to discuss needed assistance in their course work so that details of various adjustments are coordinated.
  9. Students are responsible for notifying ARO staff if reasonable accommodations are not implemented in an effective and timely way.
  10. Students who believe the University has not met its obligations under the ADA should consult with the Office Affirmative Action at 812-237-8954.
Documentation Guidelines

Students requesting accommodations must provide documentation of their disability.  Documentation consists of a recent evaluation by an appropriate professional that relates the current impact of the condition to the request for accommodations.   If the documentation is incomplete or inadequate, ARO may exercise its right to require additional documentation.  Any cost of obtaining additional documentation is the responsibility of the student.  All documentation must appear on letterhead and be typed, signed, dated and clearly state the assessor’s name, title, and professional credentials.

Documentation must be current.

For most students, documentation should be no older than three years.  Disabilities that are subject to change may require more frequent evaluations as needed to verify current symptoms, functional limitations and prognosis.

Assessment procedures and instruments must be listed.

Assessment must be listed.

Assessment procedures, evaluation instruments and a summary of the results used to make the diagnosis must be included.

Generally, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan from a secondary school by itself does not provide adequate information for the provision of academic accommodations at the post-secondary level.

Learning disability documentation needs to include assessment of aptitude, academic achievement, information processing abilities, diagnosis, clinical summary and recommendations for accommodations.

A psycho-educational evaluation is necessary for the following:

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) should be diagnosed with a comprehensive assessment that begins with the above-mentioned criteria for learning disability.  In addition, the evaluation should include tests that address attention, concentration, and impulse control.  Education and behavioral history, developmental information, clinical observation, and medication trials will generally play an important role in the diagnosis.  In situations where the assessment departs from the diagnostic model, SSS reserves the right to evaluate the data on a case-by-case basis.

Psychiatric/psychological disability documentation needs to clearly state a DSM – IV diagnosis and must verify interference with a major life activity.  The current symptoms and prognosis need to be identified with a summary of the functional limitations imposed by the condition.  The documentation should also address the impact of medication and/or treatment on educational functioning.

Physical disability documentation needs to clearly state the diagnosis and verify interference with a major life activity, effecting ability to participate in the educational process.  The symptoms, functional limitations, and impact of medication and/or treatment on educational functioning should be addressed.

Whenever appropriate, diagnosticians should include suggestions for accommodations.  It is extremely helpful when diagnosticians provide suggestions for reasonable accommodations appropriate at the post-secondary level.  Such recommendations should be supported by the assessment results and the diagnosis.  Recommendations will be evaluated by the SSS Coordinator on a case-by-case basis.  Accommodations must be reasonable and cannot fundamentally alter the basic nature or essential components of the institution’s courses or programs.

**Verification by another institution or organization does NOT guarantee eligibility at ISU.