4/21 Senior & Graduating Student Day: in-person and virtual career support

4/21 Senior & Graduating Student Day: in-person and virtual career support

Event Type



Career Center




(812) 237-3805


All seniors and graduating students are invited to attend Senior & Graduating Student Day on April 21 between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. for career development support before graduating. The event will include: IN PERSON OPTIONS (Walk-Ins Only): - Resume reviews - Free professional photos (10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.) - On-Site Employers (looking to fill positions) - The Clothing Closet (pick out professional clothing and it is yours to keep!) - Complete your First Destination Survey and receive a free giveaway (Spring 2021 graduating students only: tinyurl.com/w3re23zu) - Connect with the Alumni Association VIRTUAL - 1-2pm Virtual Workshop with TechPoint: Demystifying the Indianapolis Tech Ecosystem: How your skills and interests align with tech (register at tinyurl.com/9sc826r8) - 6-8pm Virtual Resume Review (have a copy of your resume ready for review. Appointments will last 15-20 minutes with 7:45pm being last call. Join our Zoom room at: tinyurl.com/7puzpcmw) Health assessment green checkmarks are required upon entry to the Career Center and masks are required up until the time of your photo. Questions? Contact alexander.allen@indstate.edu.