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Seminar Schedule

Aug 27             Dr. David Outomuro, Univ. Cincinnati,

“Evolution of color vision and color signals of insects and spiders”


Sep 3               Dr. Diana Hews – Biology, ISU. “Multiple approaches to studying animal behavior: mechanisms, function, evolution”  


Sep 10             Dr. X Frank Yang, IU Medical School, Microbiology & Immunology. “Two second messengers, two hosts: how the Lyme disease pathogen adapts the two diverse hosts”.


Sep 17             Dr. Christopher Smith– Dept. Biology, Earlham College

                        “Putting the organ(ism)s in the superorganism- evolution and ecology of ant castes: nutrition, hormones, genetics, and gene expression”.


Sep 24             Dr. Scott Meiners– Biology, Eastern Illinois Univ.

                        “Plants behaving badly: invasives in plant communities”


Oct 1                Dr. Rebecca Fuller– Dept. Integrative Biology, Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  Color, sexual selection, and speciation in fish


Oct 8                Dr. Laura Vogel– School of Biological Sci, Illinois State Univ. “A Fantastic Voyage:  B cells, the unsung heroes of the immune system” Reptiles, Birds and Mammals


Oct 15              Dr. Catherine Searle– Biological Sciences, Purdue Univ.

                        Disease ecology of amphibian parasites


Oct 22              Dr. Stephanie Rollman– Biological Sciences, Univ. Cincinnati

                        Chemical social signaling in Drosophila


Oct 29              Dr. Matthew Dugas– School of Biological Sci, Illinois State Univ.

                        “Function & Evolution of Begging Behavior: Birds and Tadpoles”


Nov 5               Dr. Sara Lipshutz– Biology, IU Bloomington. “Phenotype integration in jacana, a sex-role reversed species: gene expression and hormones.”


Nov 12             Dr. Daniel Becker, Biology, IU Bloomington  - Disease ecology of bats


Nov 19             Dr. Nipun Chopra (ISU Alumnus), Biology, DePauw University 

                        “MicroRNA-298: a triple punch to Alzheimer's disease”


Nov 26             Thanksgiving Week- Break no class meeting


Dec 3               Dr. Gary McCracken  - Dept. Ecology & Evol Biology, Univ Tennessee

                        “Bats aloft: the seen and unseen benefits of bats”