Anthropology Field School
Summer 2015 Class
Field School Finds

Geoarchaeology, which involves the use of geoscience methods and techniques to solve archaeological problems, is a research focus of the new Earth and Quaternary Sciences Program and Archaeology & Quaternary Research Laboratory at ISU.Giddings probe

Dr. C. Russell Stafford's (Professor of Anthropology) research centers on Holocene landscape reconstruction through soil-geomorphic studies in the lower Ohio River valley and the development of techniques and strategies for discovery and sampling of deeply buried archaeological sites, particularly through the analysis of microartifacts.

Ohio MapFully-equipped archaeology, geochemistry, geomorphology and other laboratories are available for graduate student research. The Archaeology & Quaternary Research Laboratory has a 4WD Truck and trailer-mounted Giddings probe for geomorphological/geoarchaeological field investigations. Other specialized instruments include a GeoScan FM36 Gradiometer and a Bartington MS2 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter. A Hydrometer Lab is also available for particle size analysis. Students also have access to state-of-the-art remote sensing and GIS labs. The CRM program focuses on geoarchaeology projects that provide students with a full-range of research opportunities.

For more information write to C.R. Stafford, Archaeology & Quaternary Research Laboratory, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, send e-mail to Dr. Russ Stafford

Geoarchaeology Research Geoarchaeology Research Geoarchaeology Research